Create local posts with text and a photo to recommend ideas, policies or changes to bylaws. Vote for posts, comments and share with others. Check your "Profile" page to see if you earned the most likes in the last 30 days to rank as Councilor or even Mayor! Local advertising is also available.
Upload photos with your ideas or new community projects for improving your home town or city.
The top rated posts in your area can be shared with town councilors for voting in their next council meeting or community gathering.
Locals can post details on upcoming event or city council votes for receiving community input.
Double-tap to "like" your favourite ideas to get their creators voted up to become an Advisor, Councilor or even Mayor.
Earn a rating of Advisor, Councilor or even Mayor based on the most likes in the last 30 days! Mayors also get to see other towns' ideas.
Small businesses can post advertisements at in our app and drive sales to their websites and stores.